Sometimes, acupuncture creates immediate, dramatic, and permanent results. Usually, though, it takes a series of treatments to get the relief you’re seeking. So how much acupuncture will you need to get better? More frequent visits at the beginning of your course of treatment will help you to feel better faster. Treatments can be spaced further apart as you improve.
Most common response…
In the beginning many people notice small changes in their chief complaint, or no change at all. The change may last for just a day or two and then go back. This is all normal and the relief will improve and last longer as you progress through the treatment plan.
Quick changes…
Sometimes people have dramatic and lasting improvement with very few treatments. In this case the treatment plan is adjusted down. A quick change has more to do with what’s happening with the patient and is not usually a result of a masterful treatment. Most things require a course of treatments.
Any change is a good change…
Occasionally the issue being treated acts up for up to 24 hours following the session, followed by great relief. This occurs less than 5% of the time, and ordinarily only after the first treatment. Change like this is actually a good sign that you will respond well to treatment. Please keep me informed about what you experience after treatment.
Slow changes…
Sometimes, results take longer than predicted. It is still possible that you will benefit from acupuncture. If your main complaint is not noticeably changing, look at other aspects of your life for signs of improvement. You may feel more like yourself, sleep better, have more energy, or notice improvement with different symptoms. These are all positive signs that treatment is helping. We can increase the treatment plan or add herbs to help speed things along.
More on changes…
Some symptoms change quickly and others take longer. This is normal. Progress does not happen at the same rate for everything. One symptom may even change quickly at first and then move at a much slower rate for further improvements.
Observe your body…
Pay attention to your body. Take note of any changes that you notice. If possible, when you first start treatment, avoid activities that make your symptoms worse. The best chance you have for acupuncture to work is to stick with the treatment plan.
Feeling better…
After you are feeling better, it is best to gradually space out treatments. Most people find regular maintenance treatments very helpful. It helps keep symptoms from returning or keeps the symptoms manageable. It also relieves stress and creates a feeling of wellness. The most profound shifts with acupuncture come with regular treatments over a long period of time. Depending on your unique situation, this can be weekly or as little as once a month.